I push pixels, barbells, and boundaries.
My interest lies in exploring how technology can be leveraged to help people live their best lives and put forth their best work. I'm drawn to design by its interdisciplinary nature—it's a field that demands careful triangulation between engineering, art, and business.
At the moment, my endeavours revolve around helping business owners conquer their day-to-day challenges. Previous spaces I've explored include open banking, online grocery fulfillment, and healthcare record administration.
On the side, you'll probably find me amping up for a powerlifting session or running around with a camera↗︎. Occasionally, I jump out of flying aircraft—with a parachute strapped to my back, of course.
Keen to collab? Let's connect!
Say hi on LinkedIn↗︎, toss over an email↗︎, skim through my résumé↗︎, or do any combination of the three :)